AYOH (Chicago, IL, USA)- Alternative Rock
I had an issue with the CMW Gig guide regarding a lack of information promoting when this band would actually be playing. I understand that the lineup isn’t always finalized on time, and that there are little surprise appearances here and there, but it puts bands like this one at a disadvantage. The guide listed the band, and the little mini-bio, as well as an appearance earlier in the week at a different venue, but didn’t include their appearance downstairs at the El Mocambo on Thursday night. It was a real pity, because if I had seen the band on Wednesday, I would have loved to see them again before they flew home. The place was almost empty, which could have had something to do with the gig not being listed, and it was a shame because a lot of people would really enjoy this group. The volume was obviously geared toward a packed house, and should have been adjusted accordingly when the sound tech established that the crowd would consist of twenty people rather than two-hundred. Paul and I stayed glued to the front windows (about 60 meters away) and, even there, it was far too loud. The sheer volume was just uncalled for and it caused unnecessary distortion. Had it been adjusted by even 10%, it would have sounded great from the opposite end of the empty bar. Big crowd, or a handful of people, this band put on a great show regardless. They had a clean, modern sound full of enthusiasm and energy. They were really good and clicked as a group. Had I hear the studio version of any one of their songs on a popular radio station, I would have assumed they were as popular and well-known as all the other bands frequenting the mainstream airwaves. I hope they had more of a crowd at their Wednesday gig because they truly deserve a following; that, and a skilled sound-technician! The “ElMo” had been renovated since my last visit and looked a little cleaner and brighter than I remembered. I noticed something funny though- the bathrooms, instead of being labelled “Mens” and “Ladies”, had signs saying “The John” and “The Yoko”. Very creative, I thought, and then I wondered if they had been called that the whole time I had been going there and I was just noticing for the first time.
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