Delorentos (Alternative Indie Rock) CMW 2013

Delorentos (Alternative Indie Rock)

Delorentos (Alternative Indie Rock) I couldn’t help but love hearing that distinctive Dublin drawl so close to St. Patricks Day. The music wasn’t traditional, but it was fun and melodic. Though there was a taste of heavier alternative sneaking into the numbers, the music was mellow enough for an older crowd to still enjoy. Their tunes were catchy, both vocally and instrumentally, and pleasing to the ears with lovely harmonies. Each member of the band brought something different, yet equally important to the stage, and the overall sound speaks volumes of the individual talents behind it. As one song ended, it was impossible to know what to expect, but it’s safe to assume you will enjoy whatever it is. Their eclectic styles continue to pleasantly surprise. A wide variety of rhythms appeared throughout the set, many of which had the audience clapping or moving along with the band. The cute Irish boys looked the part, and had the energy and passion us fighting, drinking and partying Irish are known for. The final number, entitled ‘Secrets’ had one of those fun choruses that gets stuck in your head, and you find yourself singing along to a song you are only hearing for the first time.

Melissa Peters


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