Funeral Suits (Alternative) When this band took the stage, any assumptions about traditional Irish music went right out the window. Their first song confirmed what their punky/rock clothing said, as it was hardcore alternative. Stylistically, they were reminiscent of Nine Inch Nails, or Marilyn Manson, but with a uniqueness to their sound. The inclusion of keyboards added depth, and sometimes melancholy. At the beginning of the third song, some pretty ominous sounds emitted from the keyboard and remained faintly in the background throughout. The barrage of buttons and effects on the mic and keys were well utilized, creating a plethora of crazy-cool noises within and around the main body of music. The bass behind the following song was huge, with blipping techno noises meeting slow Nine Inch Nails style. I could certainly imagine a niche for this sort of thing, but they aren’t the kind of band that would appeal to the masses. The last song were heard was a complete 180 degree spin from those preceding it; far more mainstream, happy, fun and catchy- I found myself hoping it was the one on the free CD sampler.
Melissa Peters