Harris Institute, a leading Canadian media arts college – toronto
Harris Institute, a leading Canadian media arts college, created the first accelerated one-year diploma programs in audio production and the music industry and has now expanded the approach to include degrees and master’s degrees in partnership with the University of the West of Scotland and Edinburgh Napier University. Seventy-two graduates have earned degrees in an additional 8 months at UWS and Napier with tuitions waived and graduates who complete both the Audio Production Program (APP) and Arts Management Program (AMP) are being accepted directly into MA programs.
“Everything is moving faster and most conventional post secondary programs are too slow, unnecessarily long, lacking intensity and far too
costly ”, says John Harris, the college’s president. “Our partnerships with UWS and Napier are an unprecedented milestone in the evolution of post secondary education. Students are able to earn two Diplomas and a Master’s Degree in a total of 32 months”.
Harris Institute rated 0% for the third time in the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for Student Loan Default Rates, making it the only college, university or private career college in Canada to achieve this milestone.
The Ministry posts Default Rates for Ontario’s 179 post secondary schools to help students evaluate education choices and advises on their website, “Higher default rates are an indication of greater financial risk”.
COSCAP, one of the largest music industry associations in the Caribbean, is funding two annual scholarships for students to attend Harris Institute in Toronto and the government of Barbados is partially funding HIWI, Harris Institute West Indies, the first satellite campus of a Canadian college in the Caribbean.
Harris Institute is the only school to have been featured in both Billboard Magazine’s “Schools That Rock” and Mix Magazine’s “Finest Media Arts Institutions”, the world’s leading music industry and audio production publications. The college’s graduates are achieving unprecedented milestones in all areas of the music industry.
For more information visit www.harrisinstitute.com or email info@harrisinstitute.com or call 416.367.0178.