NXNE 2014 Wed Music Festival Toronto Pics

NXNE 2014 Wed Music Festival Toronto Pics

The Ian Fays

Nice people – they were already finished, when i got to the “Boat”
The baby plays the drums!belt

The Van Allen Belt

Had a video running behind them that was by itself a wonderful work of art. Could have used a little less bass rumble.
The Girl can sing and the band was a man with a computer, with another guy with a keyboard. Above average for the “Indie Music Biz” but played to 15 people. Sad waste of time for a group to travel so far and not to be promoted. See pic below


Old and Weird

these Cute young girls played to a busy bar across the street.  And made better by the province of NOVA SCOTIA
But sadly badly off key singing made them miss my top ten … please get better



Right on after the girls — these boys could sing — packed house — nice to see so many “young people”
maybe there is hope of live music after all.  your usual “indie Music Stuff” nothing outstanding in songwriting dept



Both singers could hold a note, but were usually lost in the mix. Great lights, above average in the “indie Music Stuff”
had great energy — but only got a “c-”  in songwriting.  too bad indie music people do not go to class about writing good
pop hooks — you know the song that drives you nuts — in your head — you need to hear it again

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