Check it out for all things music in Toronto

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Bloor News Announces a New Feature: 

Check it out for all things music in Toronto, including Open Mic listings, maps to live music venues, featured local singers/musicians and music news and reviews. 

The entertainment and writing communities were saddened to learn of the passing of Gary Webb-Procter aka ‘Gary17’, widely respected musician, critic and Editor of East York Chronicle late last year. Gary’s death didn’t just leave a hole in the hearts of his friends, family, readers and fans, it left a hole in the music scene. Gary took the spotlight off the bands we had already heard of and gave the lesser-known acts a chance to shine. Without his reviews, the Linsmore Tavern wouldn’t be a mecca for up-and-coming musicians, and we would never have heard of or from some incredible talent. The talent of the future deserves the same recognition that their predecessors gained from Gary’s pieces. Reviewing live music isn’t easy nowadays, but as vaccination rollouts continue, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are proud to offer our services. These are big shoes to fill, but we hope we can honour Gary’s memory by doing it justice. 

Click on the links below for some samples, and be sure to follow us on twitter at #Musicevents for future announcements, or you can find us on Facebook at LiveMusicGuideTO and our Instagram is  We look forward to discovering hidden gems and introducing our readers to the creative talent of the future.

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